Twitter pages have their own page rank too in Google, so it is important to do this 5 mins drill better utilize your Twitter page.This article is based on the assumption that you have done your keyword research and you have a beautiful keyword (broad or long tail) at hand already before you start optimizing your twitter page. Bear with me though, that you would rather optimize your Twitter page with a single keyword (incl. long tail) simply because there is no room to optimize for another. You may be wondering what Keyword Research is, and how it should be performed. Keyword Research is a monster. It is the key of the house, heart of a body in ALL SEO practices. It could take days to explain to you what Keyword Research is and how they should be carried out, but I think we'd better leave that to another article on than wrapping it up in a few lines.
Tip 1: Use Search Engine Friendly Keywords in Twitter Name
Ok, don't get it wrong. It is Name that we are talking about here, not the username, yet. Optimizing your Name for your Twitter page is very important. Not only that it will be shown on the Twitter Timeline, it will also be used on SERP of all major search engines. And since that you can practically use any characters or language in this field including space and other language characters, make sure you include your keyword (broad or long tail) from your keyword research in your local language (the language you are going tweet in). It also helps identifying what language your tweets are going to be in without having to click into your profile, thus a faster and more no brainer decision for others to add you. Don't think that it is not important, I did add a few people because of their self-explanatory Twitter Name or Username.

Tip 2: Use Reader Friendly Keywords in Twitter Username
A Twitter username can consist of only numbers (0-9), letters (A-Z) and underscores (_). It immediately makes it very difficult to optimize Twitter page, however make sure that you have at least included the broad term part of your keyword (if you have a long tail one) in it. Not only that username will also be shown in the title of the SERP (in a bracket), which theoretically helps you ranking better; it will also give others a brief idea what your tweets are about. This is particularly true for those who have come across your tweets through twitter page, hashtags, retweets nad reply, which will increase the chance of new followers. Also, more a no brainer your profile is, closer your followers will be to the targeted audience.
Some people may tell you that it won't help much since Google is underscore-sensitive and keywords simply don't count if it is part of a continuous word. However other search engines like are underscore in-sensitive, which means underscores work just the same as hyphenates. Therefore it is also useful to include your keyword separated by underscores (e.g. sourcesqr_seo) for a better ranking.
Thirdly, your Username will be part of the URL of your Twitter page, and keywords found in a continuous URL (e.g. counts even in Google. You should by now aware how important to use keyword in your Username.
Tip 3: Use Keywords In Your More Info URL Anyway
Some may argue about whether or not optimizing the More Info URL would help Twitter page ranking. Well, I am not quite sure about this one too. Some say it does, some say not. In my point of view, it always helps marketing what's behind the twitter (e.g. a blog, a website, etc.) giving people an option to get to know you, your interest or your business a little more.
Tip 4: Flood Your One Line Bio with Keywords While Maintaining Natural Readability!
OK, this one is easy. Use as many keyword (both broad and long tail keywords) as u could, however it is very important to maintain natural readability. Unlike optimizing the Title Tag and Description Meta Tag that you already have Title Tag to demonstrate the keyword discretely and your Description Tag will then have to emphasize on making it natural writing, however Title of the Twitter page SERP results have already been occupied by Name and Username. Therefore, it shouldn't be too hard selling putting your keywords in a descrete manner. However SERP algorithm in most serach engines are sophisticated enough that over doing anything pretty much will be penalized these days. So beware not to just repeat the same keyword over and over again. Even if it may help, still, won't give you much traffic simply because it is ANNOYING!
One thing you should notice though, that Google truncates SERP result descriptions at around 155 character. I know I know, 5 characters won't do much harm right? Needless to say - try to put all your keywords to the left of the One Line Bio in the first 140 characters (just to be safe).
Tip 5: Tweet Quality Contents, And Build Lots of Links!
Twitter pages are like any other web page, they have their own PageRanks. The higher the pagerank the better the Twitter page is gonna rank with your targeted keyword(s). As many of you may have already known, Pagerank is pretty much directly contributed to Link Building activity. The quickest way to build links for your twitter page is actually talk to people in Twitter! Many of you know may know that Twitter changed most of the user inserted links NoFollow lately, however the twitter profile page referencing links are not, which means that more people replying your or retweeting your tweets, "better the chance that your backlinks are going to count". I know that sounds funny, however Google seems only indexing a few pages on a given twitter profile page, so that your backlink is only count if your reference is so happen on the first few pages of particular person's twitter page while the search engine spiders were crawling those pages.
So tweet quality contents to attract more references (reply and retweet) and followers, and build lots of links (reference) to your twitter page from your own blogs and others at the same time. You page will gradually be rewarded and will be shown on your Page Rank in no time! Every appearance of your @username counts! Do you think that optimizing Twitter page is essential? How would you optimize your Twitter page?
So how to make the best out of optimizing the More Info URL then? If you look into some other people's Twitter page, you should notice that the More Info URL is part of the bio on the top right corner page... and that the anchor text is truncated and it is a NOFOLLOW link. Anchor Text will be truncated at 18th character, and since "http://" will be automatically added even if you don't want to, the effective character count you can use will be limited to 10 characters.
Optimizing this one is tricky. In order to make this link count, you should find a way to format your URL so that the keyword will be in the first 10 characters. For those of you who have strong web experience -- YES, you can create a subdomain with your keyword! In short, in means that if the keywrod you want to use is "SEO", then you probably should create a subdomain "", so then it will appear on your profile as "http://seo.source...". However consider the complexity of optimizing this link only for the keyword juice, it is REALLY up to you if it is justified to do so (I'd say not since it is a NoFollow link, but oh well, you never know what other people may think:P).
Kelvin Lee has been actively involved in many different areas of managing websites and web-base application development throughout his early years of career. In 2008, he took on his first independent search marketing project for a major company in beauty industry, which he has helped generated 4000% growth in search traffic with 25% sales growth in just 4 months.
Kelvin has later founded SourceSquare | Search Marketing Strategies -- a Hong Kong based search marketing company -- in early 2009, and has been providing Web Design, Branding and Search Marketing Consulting Services to some of the top companies in the region. Kelvin is also an enthusiastic blogger, you find more of his search marketing and web design articles at their website.
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Tip 1: Use Search Engine Friendly Keywords in Twitter Name
Ok, don't get it wrong. It is Name that we are talking about here, not the username, yet. Optimizing your Name for your Twitter page is very important. Not only that it will be shown on the Twitter Timeline, it will also be used on SERP of all major search engines. And since that you can practically use any characters or language in this field including space and other language characters, make sure you include your keyword (broad or long tail) from your keyword research in your local language (the language you are going tweet in). It also helps identifying what language your tweets are going to be in without having to click into your profile, thus a faster and more no brainer decision for others to add you. Don't think that it is not important, I did add a few people because of their self-explanatory Twitter Name or Username.

Tip 2: Use Reader Friendly Keywords in Twitter Username
A Twitter username can consist of only numbers (0-9), letters (A-Z) and underscores (_). It immediately makes it very difficult to optimize Twitter page, however make sure that you have at least included the broad term part of your keyword (if you have a long tail one) in it. Not only that username will also be shown in the title of the SERP (in a bracket), which theoretically helps you ranking better; it will also give others a brief idea what your tweets are about. This is particularly true for those who have come across your tweets through twitter page, hashtags, retweets nad reply, which will increase the chance of new followers. Also, more a no brainer your profile is, closer your followers will be to the targeted audience.
Some people may tell you that it won't help much since Google is underscore-sensitive and keywords simply don't count if it is part of a continuous word. However other search engines like are underscore in-sensitive, which means underscores work just the same as hyphenates. Therefore it is also useful to include your keyword separated by underscores (e.g. sourcesqr_seo) for a better ranking.
Thirdly, your Username will be part of the URL of your Twitter page, and keywords found in a continuous URL (e.g. counts even in Google. You should by now aware how important to use keyword in your Username.
Tip 3: Use Keywords In Your More Info URL Anyway
Some may argue about whether or not optimizing the More Info URL would help Twitter page ranking. Well, I am not quite sure about this one too. Some say it does, some say not. In my point of view, it always helps marketing what's behind the twitter (e.g. a blog, a website, etc.) giving people an option to get to know you, your interest or your business a little more.
Tip 4: Flood Your One Line Bio with Keywords While Maintaining Natural Readability!
OK, this one is easy. Use as many keyword (both broad and long tail keywords) as u could, however it is very important to maintain natural readability. Unlike optimizing the Title Tag and Description Meta Tag that you already have Title Tag to demonstrate the keyword discretely and your Description Tag will then have to emphasize on making it natural writing, however Title of the Twitter page SERP results have already been occupied by Name and Username. Therefore, it shouldn't be too hard selling putting your keywords in a descrete manner. However SERP algorithm in most serach engines are sophisticated enough that over doing anything pretty much will be penalized these days. So beware not to just repeat the same keyword over and over again. Even if it may help, still, won't give you much traffic simply because it is ANNOYING!
One thing you should notice though, that Google truncates SERP result descriptions at around 155 character. I know I know, 5 characters won't do much harm right? Needless to say - try to put all your keywords to the left of the One Line Bio in the first 140 characters (just to be safe).
Tip 5: Tweet Quality Contents, And Build Lots of Links!
Twitter pages are like any other web page, they have their own PageRanks. The higher the pagerank the better the Twitter page is gonna rank with your targeted keyword(s). As many of you may have already known, Pagerank is pretty much directly contributed to Link Building activity. The quickest way to build links for your twitter page is actually talk to people in Twitter! Many of you know may know that Twitter changed most of the user inserted links NoFollow lately, however the twitter profile page referencing links are not, which means that more people replying your or retweeting your tweets, "better the chance that your backlinks are going to count". I know that sounds funny, however Google seems only indexing a few pages on a given twitter profile page, so that your backlink is only count if your reference is so happen on the first few pages of particular person's twitter page while the search engine spiders were crawling those pages.
So tweet quality contents to attract more references (reply and retweet) and followers, and build lots of links (reference) to your twitter page from your own blogs and others at the same time. You page will gradually be rewarded and will be shown on your Page Rank in no time! Every appearance of your @username counts! Do you think that optimizing Twitter page is essential? How would you optimize your Twitter page?
So how to make the best out of optimizing the More Info URL then? If you look into some other people's Twitter page, you should notice that the More Info URL is part of the bio on the top right corner page... and that the anchor text is truncated and it is a NOFOLLOW link. Anchor Text will be truncated at 18th character, and since "http://" will be automatically added even if you don't want to, the effective character count you can use will be limited to 10 characters.
Optimizing this one is tricky. In order to make this link count, you should find a way to format your URL so that the keyword will be in the first 10 characters. For those of you who have strong web experience -- YES, you can create a subdomain with your keyword! In short, in means that if the keywrod you want to use is "SEO", then you probably should create a subdomain "", so then it will appear on your profile as "http://seo.source...". However consider the complexity of optimizing this link only for the keyword juice, it is REALLY up to you if it is justified to do so (I'd say not since it is a NoFollow link, but oh well, you never know what other people may think:P).
Kelvin Lee has been actively involved in many different areas of managing websites and web-base application development throughout his early years of career. In 2008, he took on his first independent search marketing project for a major company in beauty industry, which he has helped generated 4000% growth in search traffic with 25% sales growth in just 4 months.
Kelvin has later founded SourceSquare | Search Marketing Strategies -- a Hong Kong based search marketing company -- in early 2009, and has been providing Web Design, Branding and Search Marketing Consulting Services to some of the top companies in the region. Kelvin is also an enthusiastic blogger, you find more of his search marketing and web design articles at their website.
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